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Westside Trail-Segment 4

This northern segment runs for about 1.3 miles, starting from the existing Westside Trail terminus at Lena Street and extending north to Law Street, where it will tie into Westside Trail—Segment 3 and the Westside Beltline Connector.

This segment of the Atlanta Beltline is currently under construction.

An ADA-accessible ramp will connect Hollowell Parkway to the Westside Trail. (Photo Credit: Kerri Parker)

Project Status

  • The project includes the design of a 14-foot-wide concrete multi-use path with 3-foot soft shoulders on each side. Steel has now been placed on all five bridges, or elevated trail sections and on four of the bridges concrete has now been poured.

  • Stone is being installed under bridges and final grading is taking place between Washington Park and Washington Manor.

  • The fiber duct bank is complete from Lena to Washington Manor and will be progressing to Mason Turner. Duct bank and grading is also underway along the portion of the trail on historic rail bed, also called the Kudzu Trail.

  • The trail has been paved from Lena to the first elevated section of trail.

  • Handrail installation on two of the bridges is underway.

  • The stone walls at Donald Lee Hollowell underpass are underway. All walls have been poured.

Project Timeline

  • March 2023: Groundbreaking and Construction Began

  • Summer 2025: Anticipated Construction Completion

Design & Construction Team

  • Astra Group, LLC logo


Jay Suever
Project Manager