Design Review Committee
Guiding Development Near the Beltline
The Design Review Committee (DRC) is an advisory group of subject-matter experts charged with the overseeing of the Beltline Overlay District Regulations.
Design Application & Review
The Design Review Committee aims to ensure design excellence and a high standard for quality development around the Atlanta Beltline. It provides design consultation, review, and recommendations for Special Administrative Permits within a half-mile of the Beltline corridor to the City of Atlanta's Office of Zoning and Development.
Confirm your business location before starting and refer to the Beltline Overlay Code for detailed guidelines and requirements.
Steps to Submit Your Next Project
Step 1
Attend a Pre-Application Meeting
Schedule a pre-application meeting with Office of Planning staff before submitting a request to the DRC and an Application for a Special Administrative Permit (SAP).
Step 2
Complete the DRC Application
Submit the following:
Written project summary describing new construction alterations, repairs, and exterior structure changes.
Property location information (address, current zoning, NPU, sub-area, land district/lot).
Identification and justification of all administrative variations requested with Beltline Overlay Code references.
Digital, to-scale drawings of site plan, landscape plans (with specimen trees identified), building elevations for each exterior facade with proposed building materials listed on the site plans, and a 3D colored building rendering (preferred).
Step 3
Get on the DRC Agenda
Email Senior Community Planner, Forest Rose, to arrange placement.
Step 4
Present to the DRC
Be prepared to present the following materials at the scheduled DRC meeting:
Project summary or a copy of the Special Administrative Application (if applicable).
Copy of site plan
Copy of building elevations for each exterior façade with proposed building materials listed on the site plans, and a 3D colored building rendering (preferred).
Please Note:
Be prepared to present your project electronically during the assigned meeting date.
Step 5
View Case Outcomes
Case outcomes are made available to the public upon processing. For questions on status, please contact our team.
DRC Meetings
DRC Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month and are open to the public. However, there is not a public hearing component in these meetings. If you have comments to share with the DRC regarding a particular application, please submit your written comments by 4pm on the Tuesday prior to the public meeting.
DRC Committee Members
Director, Office of Zoning & Development
Keyetta Holmes
Senior Project Manager
Jay Suever
Vice President of Planning, Engagement, and Art
Lynnette Reid
Director of Design
Kevin Burke
ABI Tax Allocation District Advisory Board Representative
David M. Hamilton, AIA
Urban Planner Representative
Sarah McColley, AICP, LEED AP ND
Architect Representative
Ai-Lien Vuong, AIA
Architect Representative
Nazeer Kutty, AIA